Monday, June 13, 2011

I Gave It A Little Tug

I gave it a little tug, just enough to unplug it from the socket.
Just enough to put the hard drive to rest.
Just enough to slowly darken the monitor.
Just enough to keep the processor running on low.
Just enough to keep the battery from dying out.
Just enough to watch as the keyboard and mouse become unresponsive.
Just enough to slow down everything.

I watch as the screen fades, and I no longer see the light.
I watch as the keys fail to let me post my final reply.
I watch as the hard drive dies away, taking the memory with it.
I watch as everything slowly comes to a halt.
I watch as the processor sounds its last offset electrical hum.
I watch as the battery jolts one last time before finally losing all power.
I gave it a little tug, just enough to unplug it from the socket.

Resting heads on the pillows, people sleep.
Laying their feet on the bed, or couch.
Raising their hips to adjust to the new position.
Sliding their back as they try to find that comfortable spot that will send them off to sleep.
I took away their source of inspiration, light, and whatever it is that kept them alive and well.
And it slowly faded away, blending into the night, sought by no one until the dawn.
No disturbances, no discrepancies, no intolerable voices, moans, groans, grunts, and sighs.

On passion’s dance floor, the walls trembled no longer.
On passion’s paper, the ink had dried out: incomplete.
On passion’s bed, the erection was lost and the estrogen subsided.
On passion’s audio-video, there was no media left to display, and the Emergency Broadcast System was all on play.
On passion’s passion, inspiration had lost its way among the trees of the forest of thought.
On passion’s PC, obsolete designs were no longer supported, but what technology was there when they were all dead.

I gave it a little tug, just enough to unplug it from the socket.


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